Gay movies download blog

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This project was self funded with money that was due for a term in the New York Film Academy, sadly that never started due to Covid restrictions. He also took on the daunting task of directing it too due to budget constraints. Gordon wrote, produced and took the lead role in this short. He wanted to write a short that was a little different but that also broke the stereotype of what a lead gay character could be. Tired of watching gay men being portrayed in the usual stereotypical manner, Gordon Hickey decided to write the role of Craig Gaffney, a modern gay action hero. Craig notices this and makes a dash for his life which leads him to a life or death situation. He steals his research from his job after he suspects it's being tampered with by someone within the company and embarks on a mission across Dublin to get the information to a friend.

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Craig is a research scientist that thinks he may have found the cure for AIDS.

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